Map of Russia
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ЙЮПРЮ ПНЯЯХХ, карта россии, карта москвы, карта петербурга, karta rossii

Russia Folded Map (fragment)

Map of Russia

Deluxe edition, 1999/2000. Scale 1:5,000,000, dimensions 40" x 36", double-sided. Printed in the USA on 80 lb. premium gloss paper with protective aqueous coating.

The Index of the geographic names which comes in a separate brochure contains the list of all objects depicted on the map with indexes, which allow to easily locate each object on the map.

Unique technology that combines state-of-the-art digital process and handmade artwork was developed by ArtCarta International (California) in cooperation with ACC (Moscow).

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Ordering Info

Price for a single copy, including separate brochure "Index of Geographic Names", is only $29.00. Quantity discount available.
Shipping within the United States is free.

International shipping rates vary according to the size, weight, and destination of the package. To place an international order, please submit the order form and we will e-mail you the shipping cost.

Quantity is limited, so order your map now!

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